For the payload challenge (NARTREK Silver level), I chose Astrocam, a beautiful sleek rocket with vibrant colors. Housed in the nose of the rocket is a mini camera that takes high-definition video as the rocket tears through the sky. The best part of this rocket is that you get everything in the box, the rocket, the engine, wadding paper, and the launching pad. Astrocam takes stunning videos with the mini camera. It is a thrill to see the ground vanishing, giving you a bird’s eye view.

This rocket only needs a few simple steps to launch it. There is no painting or gluing required, so one can finish building this rocket in an hour or so. This rocket is perfect for new rocketeers to put together very quickly and watch all the stages of the rocket in high definition.

Astrocam is easy to launch. If using the camera, be careful to read the instructions. I had to relaunch the rocket because the camera had not started recording when I started the countdown.
Recommended engines: A8-3, B4-4, B6-4, C6-5.

Astrocam comes with a 15″ parachute that works well and I had no problem recovering the rocket several times.

The camera can be somewhat tedious to operate. The light that shows that the recording is ongoing is difficult to see when the rocket is upright on the launchpad. Do some runs before launching it with the rocket.