Neon Tiger is a great beginner rocket to launch a glider. The small striped glider detaches from the rocket at the apogee. Neon Tiger was my first glider rocket and it was fun to watch the glider gliding gracefully while the parachute brought the primary rocket back. The rocket is easy to build and launch for new rocketeers with minimal experience with gliders. Neon Tiger is the ideal rocket to understand the stages of launching a glider-carrying rocket.
Neon Tiger is a very simple rocket to build. The plastic body and wings are easy to assemble. The ring glider hooks onto the bottom of the rocket and detaches perfectly. The rocket requires no painting. This rocket is ready to launch with very little effort.
I had to adjust the glider’s body several times so that it would glide and not dive to the ground.
Launching the rocket is very easy. The engine plastic cap keeps the engine secure inside the body of the rocket and I had perfect launches many times.
Recommended engines: B6-2, C5-3, C6-3.
The glider circles as it makes its way to the ground (Even though some adjustments are required for the glider to perform well). The 15″ parachute gently returns the rocket to the ground.
I have learned that the more time you can spend on the ground preparing for the launch there is a good chance of a successful launch.