Gryphon is a small rocket that is perfect for launching a glider. A small, lightweight cardboard body helps this rocket reach great heights. It carries a small glider made of balsa wood that detaches itself at the apogee. I spent a lot of time in my backyard trying to tweak the rocket with the putty (included) so that it would not dive or stall. Once the adjustments were completed, the glider was perfect.

Gryphon was slightly challenging to build with its sleek, small body. It is important to keep the paint and glue to the minimum so that the small engine can carry the rocket higher, giving the glider more distance to float down.
This is a unique rocket that needs an extra wire stand so that engine does not burn the glider when the rocket launches.

Preparation for the launch has to be precise. The engine stays in the body with the help of masking tape. But be careful of the quantity of tape because taking out the used engine may damage the body. Stage the engine wire stand so that it is away from the glider’s body and causes no damage when the engine ignites.

Gryphon is a small, thin rocket that can accommodate only a streamer instead of a parachute for recovery. But given the light weight of the rocket, the streamer is sufficient for getting the rocket to the ground safely.

Take your time setting up the engine wire mount. This preparation will ensure that the glider remains safe when the engine ignites. I would also suggest keeping the paint layers thin and clean. That would keep the rocket lighter and fly higher.